
Light 3bets for dummies

Rearranging opponents preflop only with the top of the range AA - QQ, you won't get far today. Here are some examples of hands where you should look for spots for less obvious 3bets‼️
Light 3bets for dummies

Rearranging opponents preflop only with the top of the range AA - QQ, you won't get far today. Here are some examples of hands where you should look for spots for less obvious 3bets‼️

Suited connectors.

Raised from the cutoff by a reg, you have 89s on the button. In about half of the cases  you can call, but 3-bet here is also a must. You need to balance your range to cover different types of flops, not just those that hit AK. And don't skimp on sizing: 3x is enough in position, but never choose a 3-bet size based on your hand.

Suited Ax.

Raised from the button by a reg, you have A4s in the small blind. Aces of the same suit are considered ideal hands for 3-betting bluffs. They hit a nut flush, hit unreadable low straights, and an ace blocks some of opponent's best hands. You'll have to play out of position in case of a call, so you need a bigger sizing (4x) to maximize fold equity.

Pocket pairs.

Raised from the cutoff by a loose player, you have 33 in the small blind. Pocket pairs will only hit sets 12% of all cases, and when they don't, they're going to be tough at post-flop, especially out of position. In order not to burn money with calls, add 3-bets with these hands (again sizing 4x out of position) and win hands more often.


Raise from the cutoff by a loose player, call on the button by an amateur, you have A2s in the BB. Often players automatically will click call, but when there is dead money in the pot (and a call from the fish will often be just that), a squeeze must be considered. A suitable sizing, taking into account two players, is from 5x.

There are still many players at the micros who only 3-bet QQ+ preflop. Well, they will play these limits for a long time - and you add at least the hands listed above to the range. So you will win the pots more often and become a much more difficult opponent


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