
10 Interesting Poker Facts ♠️

1. At the moment, more than 160 different varieties of poker are known in the world, but only 20 of them are popular. Moreover, 90% of players play only two varieties of this game - Texas Hold'em and Omaha.
10 Interesting Poker Facts ♠️

1. At the moment, more than 160 different varieties of poker are known in the world, but only 20 of them are popular. Moreover, 90% of players play only two varieties of this game - Texas Hold'em and Omaha.

2. It is noteworthy that 52 cards in the deck were not invented by chance. There is exactly the same number of weeks in one calendar year. And 4 suits in poker (hearts, diamonds, clubs and spades) correspond to 4 seasons - winter, summer, autumn and spring. Moreover, if you add up the values ​​of all the cards that are part of the deck, you will get the number 364 (or 365, if you add the joker to this).

3. In any casino, the card deck is changed after every 15 minutes of play. Thus,  a casino spends several hundred new card decks on one big tournament (for example, the WSOP),which are sold after use to less successful establishments.

4. If you believe the statistics of sports TV channels, poker is watched by the most viewers on TV, not counting football fans. Their audience ranks first in terms of the number of viewers.

5. Anna Kournikova is not only a tennis player, but also a poker hand, which consists of an ace and a king. Moreover, they named this combination in honor of the Russian athlete, not only by her first letters (AK), but also due to the fact that in her entire career Kournikova could not win a single WTA tournament. It’s the same with this combination – it looks good, but it plays very rarely…

6. The chips used in the casino for playing poker are always the same diameter - 39 millimeters, but their weight may vary. Real chips, used in expensive casinos and in prestigious tournaments, have an all-metal plate inside, which is why their weight can reach 12 grams, while the simplest chips made of plastic weigh from 4 to 9 grams.

7. The first burgers in the world appeared ... due to poker! And this happened when Sir John Montagu, a famous duke in England, ordered his servants to serve him food in such a way that it would not distract him from deals and playing cards with friends. Therefore, the servants decided to put the filling not on top of the bread, but between two rolls.

8. There is a case when even a blind person was able to play poker at the World Series of Poker tournament and even won the prizes. It happened in 2007, when Hal Lubarsky, who was 100% blind, took part in one of the tournaments of this series. He didn't see his opponents or the cards he was dealt. In order to understand what was happening in the deal, he used a special "reader" - a device that read his cards and transmitted their names to him through a microphone in his ear. Accordingly, the dealer, when laying out common cards on the table, loudly announced them. Hal took 197th place in the end.

9. Despite the fact that you have only 52 cards in your deck, you can use them to make  2.598.960 combinations!

10. In 1937, card deck manufacturers suggested introducing another, fifth suit into the game and even called it Eagles, which means “eagles” in translation. However, this idea did not take root, and after some time the production of such decks ceased. However, they can still be bought from collectors today.


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